5:00 pm
11:00 am & 1:30 pm (Español)
Monday: 8:00 am
Friday: 8:00 am
12:00 pm
Saturday: 4:00pm -4:45pm
By Appointment: Call Fr. Joe @ 585-747-3649
9:00 am
Tuesday: 9:00 am
Wednesday: 9:00 am
6:30 pm
By Appointment: Call Fr. Joe @ 585-747-3649
As the Pastor of The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, and The Catholic Newman Community at SUNY Brockport, it is my privilege to welcome you to our communities. A little over two thousand years ago, Jesus of Nazareth, invited all Humanity to love God and love their neighbors.
The English and Spanish speaking communities of:
strive to live this Gospel of love in our daily lives. We know we do not possess all the gifts needed to enact God’s Kingdom…we need you. God does not discriminate between God’s beloved creation…neither do we…ALL ARE WELCOME!
Peace and abundant blessings,
Fr. Joe
Nativity Parish strives to be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven, and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.
La parroquia de la Natividad se esfuerza por ser un lugar de misericordia ofrecida gratuitamente, donde todos puedan sentirse acogidos, amados, perdonados y animados a vivir la buena vida del Evangelio.
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish is an evolving Roman Catholic Community dedicatied to meeting the spiritual needs of those in our parish and surrounding area. We gather in worship where all are welcome around the table of the Eucharist to be nourished by the Word of God, the Sacraments, and one another so that in our lives we may recognize and use our gifts with joyful creativeness. As the body of Christ, we are committed to nourishing the spiritual life and well being of ourselves and one another, especially those in need.
Preschool Classes:
Preschool clasess are beginning. Classes at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church will begin February 9th immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. ALL preschoolers are welcome!
Please see Sandy Schicker after Mass or email her at Sandra.Schicker@dor.org. You can also contact the Church office at 585-964-8627 for more information.
Valentine's Kids Night Out
February 15, 2025
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
We would love to spend some time with your children, giving you a chance to have some "adult" time, and giving the children a chance to interact with others in a safe "kid zone" filled with activities just for them.
Register on WeShare: https://www.wesharegiving.org/App/Form/86ee2880-ef78-4338-9664-2e7lae5d0565.
Catholic Charities USA is assisting now with humanitarian releif for the deadly and disasterous fires in Los Angeles and other areas of California.
If you wish to donate, please do so directiy to CCUSA at https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/?form=25LAFires&utm_campaign=20250108_00268_LAFires25@utm_medium=organic&urm_source=website&utm_content=disaster
where contributions are accepted through this secure online optioin. There is also an option to contribute by US Mail to:
Catholic Charities USA
2050 Ballanger Avenue
Suite #400
Alexandria, VA 22314
Social get-togethers for college students.
Our campus ministry/Newman Group will be meeting monthly in the Nativity Church Parish center. Next meeting is Tuesday (2/4/25) at 7:00 p.m.
Questions, please email Deacon Vince at Vince.Franco@dor.org.
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