March 2025
NAT St. Joe's Desserts from Grd 5 Due Today
8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am Mass at SEAS - English
11am Mass at Nativity - English in memory of Tod Brudz
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity for the People
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8am Daily Mass at Nativity for Members of the Rich Family
2pm Joy of Praying the Rosary at Nativity
9am Communion Service at SEAS
10am SEAS Finance Council Meeting
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
6pm Nativity Finance Council Meeting
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9am Communion Service at SEAS
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
12:30pm Joint Staff Meeting
6pm RCIA Meeting at Nativity
6:30pm Joint Choir Rehearsal at SEAS
7pm Human Concerns Comm. at Nativity
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10am SEAS Quest Group
1pm Prayers for the Unborn
8am Daily Mass at Nativity in memory of Annette & Nicola Fiorillo
9am Eucharistic Adoration at SEAS
4pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in memory of John Bush
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8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am NAT Faith Formation & Confirmation Classes
9am Mass at SEAS - English
9am NAT 1st Comm Parents Mtg
11am Baptisms for Sean, Ashlin & Jack Katerle
11am Mass at Nativity - English in memory of John Bush
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity
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8am Communion Service
2pm Joy of Praying the Rosary at NAT
9am NO Mass at SEAS
9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry at NAT
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
6pm Mardi Gras Event at SEAS
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9am SEAS - Ash Wednesday Mass at SEAS
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
12pm Nativity - Ash Wednesday Mass Noon at Nativity in memory of Tod Brudz
6:30pm Nativity Ash Wednesday Mass
8pm Newman Community Meeting
9pm SUNY Campus - Ash Wednesday Mass on Campus
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10am SEAS Quest Group
3pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in memory of John Hampton
8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am Mass at SEAS - English
11am Mass at Nativity - English in Memory of Gary Rheinwald
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity for the people of the parish
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8am Communion Service
6pm Pastoral Council Meeting at SEAS
9am Communion Service at SEAS
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
7pm Joint Liturgy Committee Meeting at SEAS
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9am Communion Service/Mass at SEAS
9:30am SEAS Human Concerns Committee
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
12:30pm Joint Staff Meeting
6pm RCIA Meeting at Nativity
6:30pm Joint Choir Rehearsal at Nativity
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10am SEAS Quest Group
6pm Catholic Daughters Meeting
8am Communion Service
3pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in memory of Tod Brudz
8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am NAT Faith Formation & Confirmation Classes
9am Mass at SEAS - English
10am SEAS Faith Formation Classes
11am Children's Mass at Nativity - English in memory of Matt Altenritter
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity in memory of Dorcas Michaels
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8am Daily Mass for Jack Mazzarella & For the people of Nativity parish (8 am)
2pm Joy of Praying the Rosary at NAT
9am Communion Service at SEAS
9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry at NAT
11am Funeral for Nancy Gardner & Reception
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
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9am Communion Service at SEAS
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
2:30pm Mass at Elderwood Nursing Home
6pm RCIA Meeting at Nativity
6:30pm Joint Choir Rehearsal at SEAS
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10am SEAS Quest Group
8am Daily Mass at Nativity in Memory of Adolph Jasinski
3pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in memory of Tod Brudz
8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am Mass at SEAS - English
11am Mass at Nativity - English in memory of Michael & Agnes Reding
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity in Memory of Dorcas Michaels
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8am Daily Mass for Cheryl Conner & for the Rich Family at Nativity (8 am)
9am Communion Service at SEAS
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
9am Communion Service at SEAS
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
6:30pm Joint Choir Rehearsal at SEAS
7pm Human Concerns Comm. at Nativity
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10am SEAS Quest Group
1pm Prayers for the Unborn
8am Communion Service at Nativity
3pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in memory of Margaret Lee
NAT St. Joe's Desserts from Grd 6 Due Today
8:15am SEAS Choir Rehearsal
9am Mass at SEAS - English
11am Mass for Tod Brudz at Nativity - English
12:30pm NAT Hisp. Comm. Sacr. Prep at Nativity
12:30pm English Class at Nativity
1:30pm Spanish Mass at Nativity for the people of the parish
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8am Communion Service at Nativity
9am Daily Mass at SEAS
9:30am Prayer Shawl Ministry at NAT
12pm SEAS Tuesday at the Seton Theatre
6:30pm Joint Liturgy Committee Meeting at SEAS
7pm Newman Community Meeting
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9am Daily Mass at SEAS
9:45am Lenten Day of Reconciliation at SEAS
12pm Adoration Hour at NAT
12:30pm Joint Staff Meeting
2pm Lenten Day of Reconciliation at Nativity
6pm RCIA Meeting at Nativity
6:30pm Joint Choir Rehearsal at Nativity
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10am SEAS Quest Group
8am Communion Service
9am Eucharistic Adoration at SEAS
3pm Reconciliation at Nativity
5pm Mass at Nativity- English in Memory of Dorothy Pechek
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