Church of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Parishioner Use of Facilities & Forms

Nativity of BVM

At Nativity, parishioners are more than welcome to use the Parish Center and/or Church as long as it is available. Significant time and financial resources have been invested in our facilities by very generous contributors both parishioners and friends. These facilities are a tool to carry out our parish mission.

We want to extend the life of the property for future generations. We must follow federal, state and Diocese of Rochester regulations. We also operate with a limited maintenance staff, so we ask you to do your part.  Please make sure you READ and understand all guidelines before committing to using the space.

Parish Ministry Use

Parishioner Use

To request space for your parish ministry or parishioner function, please fill out a Facilities Request Form and return it to the Parish Office at least 3-4 weeks before a smaller event and two (2) months prior to a larger event. This is helpful for staff and planning.  And a must, especially for ministries who want their event listed in the bulletin.

Those ministries requesting a table for the Parish Center foyer and vestibules in church, a form is also needed.

A list of reoccurring parish meetings from the parish ministries must be handed in by September 1st EACH year for the coming academic year in order to be booked. Other small group events must also be submitted.

Once you have submitted the completed form to the Parish Office for approval, the Parish Secretary will notify you within two-three business days with acceptance or offer an alternative.

For parishioners using the facilities for personal use, a $25 non-refundable deposit is due at time of request. Checks (only) must be made out to “Church of Nativity of BVM.”  It will be cashed after notification of approval. Remainder of balance is due two (2) weeks prior to the event. Minimal fees are charged to a parishioner using the Parish Center to cover utilities during time of use.  For Parish ministries/committees/groups there is NO charge for use of facilities.

Once the date of event is approved it will automatically go on the Master Calendar, thus getting in the bulletin calendar, on the website and the church’s app. 

The Parish Center was built to accommodate all Faith Formation grades, as well as to offer Martha Ministry to grieving families.  Because of the latter, the main hall, kitchen and “Buffet” area is reserved 8am - 1 pm Monday-Saturday, in case a funeral luncheon must be scheduled. And the Faith Formation program has priority over all other parish ministries.

Individual multi-purpose rooms/areas have tables, chairs, trash receptacles, and a TV monitor with DVD capability. By default, they will be set up circular style with rectangle tables. The main hall will be banquet style with round tables and chairs, the foyer will remain open; and “Buffet“ area is set-up with three long tables.

Due to liability and insurance issues, the serving of alcoholic beverages will be prohibited, unless it is a parish-wide function and/or approved be the Parish Staff.

When using the kitchen, all groups and caterers must follow the instructions posted on the wall. Copies will also be given at time of request.   ANYTHING brought IN, MUST BE taken OUT IMMEDIATELY after the event, NO exceptions!

Please be mindful when you walk into the Parish Center on the day of your event to return everything how you found it, and clean everything before leaving. Here is a checklist to help you: Facilities Clean-Up Checklist.

If you see something that is broken, please report it to the Parish Office immediately. 

If you see something that needs to be fixed, please fill out a maintenance form which can be found in the rack next to the Parish Office.  Please slip it under the Parish Office door or drop it off the next day.

If there is ever an incident/accident on the property, please find Accident/Incident Reports in the rack next to the Parish Office door or print THIS.  Please return the filled-out report to the Parish Office as soon as possible!

In 2019 the Pastoral Council & Fr. McCaffrey decided NOT to allow the community to rent the facilities until use was assessed. The subject will be reviewed by new pastor Fr. Marcoux and the Pastoral Council in the near future.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

We have two meeting areas that can be reserved for use for Committee meetings, small gatherings, and presentations.

Bayley Hall – has a capacity of 50 people with tables and chairs. Attached is a kitchen area and sitting room. There are refrigerators and coffee pots available. There is to be no cooking due to liability concerns.

Seton Hall – has space for tables and chairs and is equipped with a TV and DVD player.

Please contact the office at (585) 964-8627 to inquire reserving either of these areas for your meeting/gathering. Additional paperwork may be required. Availability is subject to calendar restrictions.

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